Course curriculum

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    2021 Wesak Celebration - A 5 Day Spiritual Service

    • Overview of the 5 day Service

    • Day 1 - April 25th - Purification

    • Day 1 -Recorded Lecture - April 25, 2021 - Part 1

    • Day 1- Recorded Lecture - April 25th, 2021 - Part 2

    • Egoic Lotus - Page 823 of A Treatise on Cosmic Fire by Alice A Bailey

    • Day 2 - April 26th- Purification

    • Day 2 - Recorded Lecture - April 26th

    • Egoic Lotus and the Centers - Page 817 - A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

    • Day 3 - April 27th -Wesak Full Moon - Absorption

    • Full Moon Meditation - Wesak

    • Day 4 - April 28 - Distribution

    • Day 4 - Recorded Lecture - Distribution of the Energies - April 28th, 2021

    • Day 5 - April 29th - Distribution

    • Day 5 - Recorded Lecture - Distribution of Energies